E-Eye is the first medical IRPL® device in the world that has been specifically designed for the treatment of dry eye due to Meibomian glands dysfunction (MGD)
Easy & quick to use
E-Eye is a small device that won’t take much space. It only takes 3 minutes to perform an E-Eye IRPL® treatment. The device is ready to use in a few seconds: it doesn’t require any pre-heating nor maintenance other than cleaning the head.
E-Eye has an onboard integrated system that brings you through a step by step validation process to increase the safety usage. It features a color touchscreen where you can easily set your parameters.
- User-friendly
- Intuitive
- No risk of mistakes
Only 2 steps to perform:
- Check patient skin tone.
- Adapt comfort level accordingly.
For optimum results, perform treatments on Day 1, Day 15 and Day 45 and then as needed according to the patient’s symptoms.

1 – Pre-treatment
After a consultation with the patients to review their dry eye condition, the practitioner will assess their skin phototype which is graded from I (very fair skin) to V (dark skin). A consent form must be given to the patient before each treatment. It aims to inform and check for any contraindication.

2 – Treatment
Patients are comfortably seated on a treatment chair, preferably tilted.
After cleaning the skin from any make up and cream, the patient gets equipped with protective goggles and the practitioner applies conductive gel on the cheekbone and the temporal areas. A series of 5 flashes is applied under the lower eyelid, from the external canthus to the internal canthus, using the nominal power.
The same process is then repeated under the lower eyelid of the other eye to complete a session. The practitioner has to wear protective glasses during the treatment.
Specific cases
A nearly consistent level of effectiveness is achieved for all forms of dysfunction of the meibomian glands. Conversely, given the inherent nature of this treatment, this level of effectiveness will not be achieved in forms of the condition associated with an isolated impairment of the aqueous phase or mucous phase, or in the presence of an associated secondary infection which will require treatment beforehand.
Patients suffering from a more severe pathology, classified as grade 3 or 4, will need to receive simultaneous treatment on the lower and upper eyelids, in which case the eyeball will be protected by an opaque shell in contact with the cornea. Here again, improvements by one or two grades may be achieved.
3 – Post-treatment
E-Eye treatments are non-invasive, simple and gentle. Patients generally experience a relief within a few minutes following the session.
E-Eye treatments follow general contraindications to IPL.
Do NOT use E-Eye on people who are incompatible with depilation via pulsed light, in particular those who meet any of the following criteria:
- Pregnant women
- Very dark tan/black skin
- Skin recovering from sunburn within the previous month
- Previous history of sun allergy
- Skin exposed to high pressure artificial UV fewer than 10 days before
- Use of tanning products (cream or dietary supplements) on the area to be treated within the previous 2 weeks
- Use of tan activators
- Injured, burnt, or infected skin
- Unusual skin lesions (medical advice should be sought)
- People suffering from a skin condition (eczema, inflammation, acne, etc)
- Eyelids with permanent make-up
- People undergoing a photosensitive treatment (depending on medical advice, these patients may not be accepted for treatment with E-Eye)
- Previous history of skin disease
- People with diabetes, haemophilia, epilepsy, porphyria cutanea tarda
- People fitted with a cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator
Also pay attention to:
- High-risk areas (blemishes, birthmarks, warts, unhealed wounds…)
- Moles (if they’re located in the zone to be treated, they must be protected, for example by covering them with the self-adhesive patches provided with your device)
- Tattooed areas, permanent make-up (e.g. eyelids) or cosmetic tattoos, regardless of their colour. If this is the case, use the delimitation stop plate supplied with your device
- Make-up: all traces of make-up must be removed before starting the treatment