Dry Eye Management
Create your own space to manage dry eye (MGD)
To analyse and solve problems of dry eyes.
1. evaluate the quality of the tearfilm.
2. perform a working solution for improvement.
Target, symptoms & causes

Dry eye Disease (DED) is a common pathology, affecting an average of 20% of population worldwide, depending on the region. Also around 40% of people wearing contact lenses know the problems.

Affecting seniors with a greater prevelance. Females are more affected than males and a growing number of young people. Two new risk groups are emerging rapidly, “Office Dry Eye” and “Children Dry Eye”. Both due to extensive use of digital screens and electronic media.

Intensive use of digital screens (smart phone and computer), pollution, artificial lights, windy, hot or dry weather conditions as well as air-condition, contact lenses, hormonal changes, medications, diets and last but not least … laser eye surgeries.
To know more about dry eyes …
About the dry eye disease due to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
“The Meibomian gland dysfunction has been identified as the principal cause of dry eye syndrome throughout the world. Dry Eye Disease became the 2nd most common eye disease worldwide.”
Generally speaking, dry-eye conditions are a result of a lacrymal layer issue, either caused by insufficient tears or an excessive evaporation. It is recognized that a large majority of cases (80%) are caused by the evaporative form, mainly due to an insufficiency of the external lipid layer of the lacrymal film secreted by the Meibomian glands.
The lacrymal film, necessary to the eye function, is made of 3 layers:
- The mucous layer, in contact with the ocular globe, secreted by the conjonctival mucous cells.
- The aqueous layer, secreted by lacrymal glands.
- The lidip layer, secreted by meibomian glands.
There are 80 meibomian cells located on the upper and lower eyelids. These cells produce a fat phase, avoiding tear evaporation, adapting the tears to the irrigularities of the eye surface and a perfectly convex dioptre.
Lipids are made of polarised fat acids. Their fluidity is ensured by the body temperature. They are non- polarised on the surface, giving the stability of the lacrymal fluid and allowing the lubrification of the palpebral conjonctival plan. The contraction of the Riolan muscle allows the lacrymal film to spread out.
Existing treatments and patients behavior
Due to a lack of preventive treatments, patients are waiting for their symptoms to become serious before visiting an eyecare specialist. Unfortunately, at that stage, existing solutions are often inadequate providing only temporary relief.
Short-term relief: eye drop
Available treatments mainly involve artificial eye drops. In addition, those are often stringent and insufficient to overcome the discomfort felt by patients.
Long-term relief: IRPL®
Since 2014, the new non invasive treatment using IRPL® (Intense Regulated Pulsed Light) technology is available. E-Eye and tearstim®, developed and manufactured in France, are quick, gentle and offer long-lasting relief to dry eye sufferers.
Signs & Symptoms
- Dryness
- Foreign body sensation
- Secretion
- Burning
- Redness
- Fatigue
- Blurred vision
- Blinking
- Itchy, scratchy eyes
Dry eye syndrome can be very annoying and prevention is the best way to avoid being afflicted by this disease.
(if the disorder is not treated)
- Increase in vision disorders.
- Feeling of “eye burning” stopping any visual work.
- Permanent discomfort.
- Paradoxal tear increase.
- Inability to wear contact lenses.
- Anatomical modifications.
- Atrophy of the meibomian glands orifices.
- Episodical infections, sties, conjunctival secondary infections, chalazion.
- Apparition of micro-ulcerations of the epithelium cornea.

How to manage dry eye patients
One of five peoples are affected by dry eyes’ discomfort. Fast and effective solutions are becoming more and more important. If you have tried short term relief like eye drops you may be looking for a long-lasting solution: The Dry Eye Management is simple and requires only two steps.
1 Analyse dry eye (tearcheck)
2 Manage dry eye (E-Eye / tearstim)

How it works
It is an easy way to handle and satisfy people who suffer from dry eyes in a short period of time with little equipment and space required. All you need is:
- Just 3 to 4 sessions
- Only a few minutes per session
- Short application protocol
– Day 1
– Day 15
– Day 45
– Day 75 (optional) - Efficacy in 85% of cases
- Lasting effects: Over 3 years of 60% of E>Eye-patients
- Cumulative effects: The long-lasting results are due to more sessions done
Advantages of our devices to analyse and to improve dry eyes.

Quick sessions

Long lasting results

Scientifically proven efficacy
Made in France. Internationally Registered.
Our technologies and devices are designed and developed in France, by our own. Our manufacturing company, E-Swin is ISO13485 certified. Our products are CE-marked (tearstim) and medical CE-marked
(E-Eye/tearcheck), registered in Europe, Asia/Pacific, South America, Canada and USA.
certificates: ISO 13485/NDSAP / CE 0197 (TÜV)
registrations: CFDA (China) / TGA (Australia) / Anvisa (Brazil) / Health Canada / FDA* (USA)
*In the United States, E>Eye is not currently FDA-cleared for the treatment of Dry Eye Disease (DED) or Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).