ESW vision, a French dry eye management technologies
company starts operations in India
We are delighted to announce the opening of DEM Services (Dry Eye Management), our new Indian operation of ESW vision. DEM services is dedicated to support our local partners and to assist in integrating new dry eye management solutions for Eye Care Experts. ESW vision, known as a pioneering supplier for innovative technologies for dry eye treatment and diagnostic, based in France, is acting globally in more than 60 countries worldwide.
Pioneering technologies. Designed to be different

Innovative breakthrough solutions to manage dry eye.
DEM Services at AIOC 2023 in Kochi.
We are looking back to a successful attendance at AIOC congress in Kochi, thanks to the high interest of visitors, the great connection to our partner partners – and last but not least, thanks to our team in presentation action the whole days. Our Indian operations DEM Services, as part of company ESW vision, created first exciting footprint on the dry eye market! Thank you for joining us!