ESW Vision



ESW Vision SAS

Rue des Côtes d’Orval
ZA de la Prévoté
78550 Houdan

Export & Marketing Office

Hafenstraße 47-51
4020 Linz

We are happy to communicate in the following
languages with you

English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Russian, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Turkish, Czech, Slovak, Hindi

International distribution network

E-Eye, our first treatment device for dry eye was launched in 2014 for a 1,5years trial period on one initial market, in Australia/New Zealand. In 2016 international distribution was opened with official presentation of E-Eye at ESCRS Copenhagen. Now a distribution network of more than 40 partners was set up – distribution our product(s) in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Contact us